Zoology Small Organisms Microscope Slides

The following are images that were captured with the DMBA210 digital microscope at 100x magnification. You can view all prepared slide kits here.



Zygnema Microscope Image

Zygnema is a common fresh water alga and is found in quiet, still waters. Zygnema belongs to the Chlorophyceae and is a conjugate alga. Learn more here.

Schistosoma Microscope Image
Slides shows male and female conjugation. Schistosoma are commonly known as blood-flukes or bilharzia and are responsible for significant parasitic infection of humans by causing the disease schistosomiasis. Learn more here.
Plankton Microscope Image
Whole mount of different species. Plankton are drifting organisms that inhabit the pelagic zone of oceans, seas, or bodies of fresh water. Learn more about plankton here.
Rotifer Microscope Image
Rotifers are about 0.1 - 0.5mm long and are common in freshwater environments, although a few saltwater species exist. See our handbook and videos that cover some rotifers.
Hydra Microscope Image
This long section demonstrates the cellular structure and the body plan. Hydra is a genus of simple, fresh-water animal possessing radial symmetry. They are usually a few mm long and are best viewed with the microscope. Our protozoan videos and handbook cover hydra.
Paramecium Microscope Image

This whole mount demonstrates the macronucleus and micronucleus, food and contractile vacuole, oral groove and gullet. Paramecium is a group of unicellular ciliate protozoa. Learn more in our protozoan videos and teacher handbook.

Foraminifera Microscope Image
A whole mount showing mixture of coiled and biserial fossil forms of several genera. Forams are a large group of amoeboid protists.
Grantia Microscope Image
Grantia (Scypha) cross section showing general structure of canals and body walls. Grantia is a genus of calcareous sponges belonging to the family Grantiida.
Amoeba Microscope Image
Whole mount of one celled protozoan showing, pseudopodia and nucleus. Learn more about protozoans with our Protozoan videos and teacher handbook here.
Clamworm Microscope Image
Sometimes referred to as ragworm or sandworm, is a freeswimming polychaete, scavenging on the bottom of shallow marine waters. It feeds on other worms and algae. Learn more here.