Weibel Counting Reticle

The Weibel counting reticle can be purchased here.


Weibel Microscope Reticle for Stereology & Viewing Morphometric Cytology


The Weibel microscope reticle is used to determine surface-to-volume ratios and average thickness of layers in stereology - specifically relating to the morphology of cells. Stereology presents a unique complication when making measurements, in that the images viewed are three dimensional. By using a Weibel reticle it is possible to estimate the number of particulate structures found in the three dimensional image.


This becomes more complicated if knowledge is unkown about the shape of the structures being analyzed (as in morphometric cytology). Testing systems to determine surface-to-volume ratios can be found in an article published by Ewald R. Weibel, Gonzague S. Kistler, and Walter F. Scherle on the Practical Stereological Methods for Morphometric Cytology here.


The Weibel microscope reticle is used in conjunction with a random sampling of tissue sections and a phase contrast microscope.


As with any reticle, you will want to calibrate it with a stage micrometer.


You can order a Weibel reticle here.
