Patterson Globe Counting Reticle

The Patterson Globe counting reticle can be purchased here.


Patterson Globe Microscope Reticle that meets AIA, NIOSH and Environment Canada Government Standards.


The Patterson Globe reticle is similar to the Porton reticle in that both are used for counting and measuring abrasives and dust particles. Applications for the Patterson Globe reticle include milling and mining dust contamination, asbestos occupational hazards, and high-tech manufacturing ESD and contamination control. Particle size analysis are particularly popular when there are only limited quantities of particles or where particles are smaller than 50 microns in diameter. Typical substances analyzed are sand grains, soil particulates, plant seeds, fertilizers, abrasives, liquid droplets, pigments, pulverized coal, silica fibers and fine dust.


The Patterson Globe reticle (shown at left) is a standard rectangular box divided into nine equal size boxes with two sets of different size circles above and below the box. These features are important for optical particle counting because they allow the user to follow a standard technique in optical counting. By comparing a particle with the calibrated circles, its size can be determined.


The basic principle employed is to compare particles to the globes and circles of varying sizes that appear on the reticle - dark particles being compared to solid globes, and light or transparent ones to the circles


As with any reticle, you will want to calibrate it with a stage micrometer.


You can order a Patterson Globe reticle here.
